One-One In Person Sessions

Embark on an exclusive experience into your own sonic cocoon, guided by the harmonious vibrations of healing sound vibration and the ancient wisdom of shamanic reiki healing. 

During this two hour sacred ritual, you will be bathed with the transformative power of sound healing, receiving a personalised sound therapy session infused with shamanic ritual, reiki energy healing, chakra attunement and more. These sessions open a gateway to the spiritual realm, offering the opportunity to not only receive pure healing frequency, but also receive messages from your guides, spirit and other guardians. Channeled messages, mediumship and past life work can often be weaved into these sessions for a truly life changing journey.

Guided by intuition as well as a wealth of knowledge and expertise, I will create a powerful offering using my ethereal voice and sacred instruments, energy healing, channeled transmissions, soul guidance, coaching, shamanic tools and more. These sessions can support you to unlock your creative potential, heal past wounds (this lifetime and past), attune on a deep cellular level and find deeper alignment within yourself.

I harness the power of sacred instruments and my melodious voice to create an immersive sound healing experience. Sound waves, carefully crafted and attuned, wash over you, releasing tension, promoting relaxation, and aligning your energy centres. Let the harmonious tones guide you to a state of deep serenity and inner peace.

This offering includes one-on-one shamanic healing sessions, private sound healing concerts & the gift of a personalised soul song, to create a unique symphony for each participant's soul journey in this lifetime.

Enquire to book. Sessions available in person Lisbon & Sintra. Online sessions available on discussion. Prices from €222

  • I just wanted to thank you. For everything, for being my teacher, and also my healer, and my guide. It will takes years for me to fully process just how many ways you have helped me, and not just me, Vivi too. Our lives are richer for having crossed paths with you for this short but very sweet period of time.

    - Linzi

  • I was so comfortable and present. Thank you for being part of my journey and making me feel safer to be myself. Working together felt like a supportive, fully embodied experience which helped me connect to myself on a deep level. I felt seen & heard as a person in every way. Our sessions helped me clarify my vision as well as instil confidence in moving forward. I'm hoping to continue expanding with this embodied energy. Thank you so much for your loving presence & support. Still very grateful for your support & still feel it.

    - Melissa

  • I attended one of your retreats in Spain a couple of years ago and I am still inspired by your work and felt that you have so much profound knowledge. I especially remember the beautiful restorative and sound healing session and have never been able to find a similar one again. I now feel the calling to go to the healers path myself. Thank you for this inspiration.
