One-One Sessions for your heart centered business

Welcome to The Wild Brand Activation, where creativity meets aliveness, and business blossoms with passion and purpose.

As a seasoned freelancer, entrepreneur, and wellness industry founder with over a decade of experience and published co-author of ‘The Business of Yoga’, I'm here to guide you on a transformative journey into the heart of your creative project or business. This offering is for those ready to share WHO THEY ARE with the world through WHAT THEY DO. Through activating your deepest life force energy, focusing on firing up the sexual energy of creation and learning to channel that into your own offerings into the world.

In our fast-paced world, you asked for a 'quickie,' and I'm thrilled to offer you an immersive experience with no strings attached. Picture this as a deep dive into the soul of your brand, a sanctuary for the working wild women out there who are ready to unleash their potential. Together, we'll embark on a 2 to 4-week journey that goes beyond the surface, tapping into the essence of your brand and business, with creative guidance, soul coaching support & brand consulting.

What sets The Wild Brand Activation apart is my unique approach – together we will fuse the power of feminine energy, embodiment practices, voice activation and awaken your own inner inspiration, and flow with the practicality of masculine drive and action. It's about creating a brand that radiates magnetism and alignment effortlessly, while still meeting the need to get things done and boldly put yourself out there.

Throughout our time together, we'll work on getting super clear on what your brand truly desires to express as its own being, one which you will birth elegantly and wildly into this world. I will lovingly guide you, as well as delve into any shadows or blocks to clear up anything that may be standing in your way. At times I will hold the dark masculine presence to support the nurturing of your projects, with clear and direct feedback and questioning, all combining to help you really thrive. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur looking for a fresh perspective or a passionate individual ready to turn your creative project into a thriving business, The Wild Brand Activation is your compass for this exhilarating journey.

Discover the magic that happens when your whole being, not just your head, is invested in your brand's evolution. 

Book a discovery call now, and let's explore the possibilities that lie ahead. 

The Wild Brand Activation awaits – are you ready to embrace the untamed essence of your heart centred business?

  • I just wanted to thank you. For everything, for being my teacher, and also my healer, and my guide. It will takes years for me to fully process just how many ways you have helped me, and not just me, Vivi too. Our lives are richer for having crossed paths with you for this short but very sweet period of time.

    - Linzi

  • I was so comfortable and present. Thank you for being part of my journey and making me feel safer to be myself. Working together felt like a supportive, fully embodied experience which helped me connect to myself on a deep level. I felt seen & heard as a person in every way. Our sessions helped me clarify my vision as well as instil confidence in moving forward. I'm hoping to continue expanding with this embodied energy. Thank you so much for your loving presence & support. Still very grateful for your support & still feel it.

    - Melissa

  • I attended one of your retreats in Spain a couple of years ago and I am still inspired by your work and felt that you have so much profound knowledge. I especially remember the beautiful restorative and sound healing session and have never been able to find a similar one again. I now feel the calling to go to the healers path myself. Thank you for this inspiration.
